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EMCO By-Pass Level Measurement Chambers Type RLI


EMCO by-pass chamber is connected to the side of the vessel applying the principle of communicating vessels. The chamber acts as a stilling well. EMCO by-pass chambers are used with electronic level transmitters based on GWR (Guided Wave Radar), conductance, capacitance or displacer principle for protection against turbulent and agitated liquids.



Design standards
PED 2014/68/EU, ASME B31.1 and B31.3
Connection positions
Side – side, side - bottom, left or right hand side
Chamber sizes
DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, 2”, 3”, 4"
Measuring range
Up to 6000 mm
Material, chamber
Carbon steel A105 or A350 LF2, A182 F5 or F9, AISI 316, 22Cr duplex, 25Cr duplex, 6Mo, Titanium, Hastelloy B and C, Monel 400.
Instrument connection
Thread ½”, ¾” 1” BSP or NPT Flange DN 25, DN 40, DN 50, DN 80, 1”, 1½”, 2”, 3”
Pressure ratings
PN 10 to PN 400, 150 lbs to 2500 lbs
Vessel connection
DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, DN 50, 1”, 1½”, 2” flanges to EN, DIN or ANSI standards, other on request
flange facing
Vent connection sizes
½”, ¾”, threaded or flanged
Drain connection sizes
½”, ¾”, threaded or flanged
On request


Drain and vent valves
Steam jacket

Who to contact?

Kasper Jensen
Sales Manager

(Level, Temperature & Valves)